![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_eaglecreek3310.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_eaglecreek3331.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_eaglecreek3338.jpg) |
Punch Bowl Falls - Columbia River Gorge eaglecreek3310 |
Metlako Falls - Columbia River Gorge eaglecreek3331 |
Metlako Falls - Columbia River Gorge eaglecreek3338 |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_falls3025.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_fallspano1w.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_fallspano2w.jpg) |
Latourell Falls - Columbia River Gorge falls3025 |
Multnomah Falls - Columbia River Gorge fallspano1w |
Multnomah Falls - Columbia River Gorge fallspano2w |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_horsetailpano1tweak.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_ponytail3410.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_ponytailpano.jpg) |
Horsetail Falls - Columbia River Gorge horsetailpano1tweak |
Ponytail Falls - Columbia River Gorge ponytail3410 |
Ponytail Falls - Columbia River Gorge ponytailpano |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_shepard3789.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_shepards3791.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](thumbs/tn_shepards3799.jpg) |
Shepard's Den - Columbia River Gorge shepard3789 |
Shepard's Den - Columbia River Gorge shepards3791 |
Shepard's Den - Columbia River Gorge shepards3799 |